Nozon Valley
Corfone and Partners
The development of the Nozon Valley shall take place throughout density, meant in its wide meaning of sense, economic, social, building, green, historical intensification. The Plan investigates the idea of smart landscape formed by a natural environment and small regenerated little towns connected through a Network of Networks, which aims at increasing the value of the historical, cultural, social and economic heritage of Valley. The idea does include architectural, logistic, environmental, agricultural and energy developments. The network is organized by stratifying the local dynamics. There’s the water networks which are in a deep dialogue with the hydrographic structures, able to generate new urban spatiality, renewing the relationship between settlements and context. The Plan's goal is to provide a specialization of the streams and a redistribution of local mobility, interconnected with the transnational mobility. The electric energy produced from renewable sources will be transported to the residential settlements and the thermal energy needed for the heating of new dwellings will be provided by new local power station.